Help your employees reduce frequent headaches, back pain, mental health issues, and burnout, especially if you work in IT industry, pharma, health care, or mainly offer office jobs.

Be the company that cares for their employees health and well-being

You can turn your offices into healing zen spaces by making your simplest decision yet. Without the need for budget rescheduling and massive refurnishing.


Rent high-end massage chairs that help to resolve 31% of chronic work-related health issues successfully.

When everyone on your team gets to indulge in healing 15-minute rest, you are actually resolving more issues than temporary fatigue.

  • By managing workplace stress and fatigue you improve job satisfaction, leading to higher productivity.
  • A relaxing work environment helps reduce the number of sick days in your company, thus lowering the hidden cost of frequent absences from work.
  • Employee retention is on the rise in companies that put a healthy work environment at the top of their priorities.
  • Attract top talent by the unique benefits of your healthy corporate culture.
  • Striving for a balance between work and employees' well-being improves the positive image of your brand.
  • Low-cost solution for large companies and those with limited funds.

Basic economics of renting a massage chair

Offering regular massages to your employees leads to a rewarding return on investment.


The numbers behind the calculation are straightforward. 

Consider a scenario of renting a chair for a company of 10 employees at a monthly price of 350 euros. If each employee were to enjoy two massages per week over a span of four weeks, the cost per massage would be a mere 4.37 EUR. 

A relaxed employee will surely generate at least an extra 8.7 EUR value for the company each week. However, the actual monetary value is much bigger thanks to a boost in motivation and productivity.

This modest investment yields substantial profits for any business.